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I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the impact you made on me as a youth. I was reminiscing on my younger days earlier and memories with you were brought to mind. 

I was definitely a troubled youth and when you spoke to me confidently and strongly in your firm about mental health and the impact of a diagnosis would make on my life (for the better) opened many doors for me. And continues to bring pathways to me.

I was able to get therapy and a diagnosis fear free and of-course the therapy that was well needed. I will always be incredibly thankful for how you supported me when i was younger and continue to support many others in the most humble way possible.


I highly recommend Felicia O'Hara as an attorney. Having found myself in a situation that would have been very damaging, I needed legal help. Had I not had her expert counsel, my life could have been ruined. However, she walked me through the entire process, and the end result was fully in my favour. I'll be forever grateful for her (and her assistant's, Katie) dedication and drive in attaining the results that we did. Thanks again Felicia. And to Katie. Having this behind me is such a relief.


I and my family would like to thank Felicia and her assistant Katie, for the excellent, caring service afforded us at a very challenging time. Throughout the long drawn out process for an ultimately false accusation, she provided us with clear, confident advice and guidance. With her compassionate and honest approach she was able to vindicate my loved one who was facing questionable charges.


Felicia was able to confidently and patiently support us through a complex, confusing court system. I’m thankful for her effort to navigate that system to bring us to a successful outcome.


My grateful heartfelt thanks to you and your assistant Kate and wish you both the best in your future endeavors!



I can only give a HUGE thank you to Felicia for taking on my son's case. It was a very complex situation as legal troubles surmounted due to his addiction. With compassion, patience and a perfect understanding of our issues, she "took us on" and provided an open communication and insight on the "what's next" and how to move forward. Her determination and professionalism is second to none.  Felicia is the best! It is with admiration and respect that I strongly recommend her.


Felicia, I think I can write a book on how much you helped me personally. Hearing your personal story, comforted me in more ways than you could imagine. I appreciate you and the work you do. You are a Class Act!



Hope all is well Felicia. I want to thank you once again for helping me get to the point where I'll be receiving mental health help. Life's been good!!


I found myself the victim of false assault charges and to my good fortune, Ms O'Hara took my call and my case on a sunny Saturday no less. Her calm, confident words gave me such reassurance at my most shocked and vulnerable moment. She told me I would be ok and that we would get through this and she was right. I appreciate how she and Katie managed my expectations and made sure I knew that it would take time and what I could expect along the way. No matter how frightened I was by the position I found myself in, she was always unruffled, reassuring, and available for questions. Her rates were reasonable (although her service is priceless) with no surprises and I felt supported and heard through the entire process until the charges were ultimately dismissed.


Hey. I know this is random. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me. Finally got my s#*t together. Gonna be graduated in June and going to college in Toronto for mental health and addictions. Doing so much better. And you are an amazing person, despite my lifestyle and what ive done, you helped me. Not a lot of people did that. Thank you :)






FELICIA O'Hara, I am writing this name with capital letters to let everyone know who will read this testimonial that she is Brilliant as a Lawyer and as a Person, who really cares first about winning her client's cases, she tries to understand completely her clients situation and pain, who really tries to make people happy and after all she is happy, she clearly understands that it's not about money, it is to gain people's trust and her reputation and that is a fact, because I couldn't afford Lawyer fees, she took my Case under Legal Aid and she did more then I can say. Today on Feb 15 / 2013 I can say that she won my complicated case after 7 months hard work, because she really dedicates herself with a passion to be always a winner and she is a winner, I can only say a Big Thank You to Ms. Felicia O'Hara, she saved my future in this Country. God Bless You and Good Luck.


A. A.




Felicia O'Hara provided me and my family with confident, professional and expedient service. As someone who has needed a Lawyer's services for a variety of different reasons, I can say that Felicia has gained my complete trust and respect. Felicia, you are definitely an asset to the legal community. If you are looking for a lawyer, I can honestly say that I recommend Felicia O'Hara. You will never be disappointed. In fact, you will never again have to look any further than Felicia for all of your lawyer needs !! Felicia will impress you and prove to you why you hired her every time! My heartfelt thanks to you Felicia, from our whole family!! Looking forward to all of our endeavours in the future.


The C. U. Family




I am writing this letter of thanks to Felicia It is my first experience being on the wrong side of the law, I am from outside the province of Ontario, and got into some serious trouble in the Brockville area, it was a pretty traumatic experience for me I had no understanding of the judicial system, I contacted Felicia and was explained in language I could understand. the circumstances of the situation she was very patient with me and thoroughly explained the coming events. Felicia stood by me in my financial crisis i believe helping people in trouble is at the top of her list first and foremost . I could not possibly thank her enough for what she has done for me and my family I would refer Felicia O'Hara to anyone requiring prompt and compassionate legal services .It is important in times of of crisis to have such a person as Felicia on your side. Many thanks.


Very sincerely D.L




I was caught red-handed by the O.P.P with large amounts of a controlled substance while driving from Toronto to Montreal. The prosecutors decided to charge me under the CDSA act and I was terrified that my life would take a dramatic turn for the worst. My lawyer was unwilling to take on this case, so he referred me to Felicia O'Hara. From the very beginning, Felicia assured me everything was going to be ok. Not only did Felicia defend me successfully, she also had my charges dropped completely by the federal crown. I was surprised and very relieved at how quickly Felicia was able to solve my case, but the best part is that I was able to avoid receiving a criminal record. If you are interested in finding a lawyer who looks out for you and can actually get things done, you should seriously consider giving Felicia a call.






Recently one of our teenaged daughters was involved in an at-fault accident in the Brockville area. After being referred to Felicia, it was obvious that we had made the right choice to engage her. Her knowledge of the law and of the process is exemplary. She quickly established a plan and defense that ultimately led to a much reduced conviction. Tough and compassionate at the same time, she was upfront and direct with us as parents, yet made our daughter feel at ease and that she was being protected by someone who clearly cared for her. Without hesitation we strongly recommend Felicia and her services for anyone looking for exceptional legal advice and counsel.






I met Felicia O'Hara when someone every important to me became involved with the law. Right from the beginning she was very respectful, confident and approachable during our different ordeals. She has never judged any of us and continues to fight for what is fair. Felicia is honest and always tells you what to expect before things happen so there are rarely any surprises. Since this experience was very new to me, she made us feel very at ease and I knew I could trust her advice. She understands that different people have difference needs and abilities and respects everyone as an individual. She has my complete trust and respect and I would highly recommend Felicia to anyone who needs support. I am truly thankful to her for all that she has done.






I am writing this letter to show my appreciation for the legal counsel Felicia provided me.

I was faced with a total of 11 charges due to a domestic dispute , 8 of which were dropped including 2 serious allegations. I was very worried what the outcome would be, but now I am back at home and this was possible only because of Felicia's professionalism.


I would recommend anyone in a similar situation not to hesitate in obtaining her services.


Sincerely S.P




In 2011, my then 18 yr son, became unlikeable and socially unacceptable. He got in some serious trouble with the law. I found myself almost completely alone in going through the legal process with much of my family giving no support what so ever. Felicia was able to recognize that there was a different side to my son than the drug fueled rage that got him into the problems in the first place. She sought justice for him, but at the same time if a period of incarceration was in his best interest where he could get some psychiatric help she put that forth. Felicia fought hard for what was best for my son, and showed the courts he was not a bad person, just a young person who made poor decisions. In the end I got my son back, Felicia has seen the changes in him and she made me feel that my son was more than just a client, she actually cared about him and his future.


T. M.




How can I thank Felicia O'Hara enough. The truth is I canins to anyone needing a lawyer to represent them ethically, honestly and with compassion. Felicia O'Hara is a practical no non sense, very talented Lawyer who knows her way around the courtroom and legal system. Felicia met with my son and myself and guided us through a maze of uncertainty, coaching us every step of the way. Felicia O'Hara was there for us 24/7 when we felt we had no one to help us. My son faced serious charges laid by the Crown because of a falsified report of wrong doing that was fabricated and alleged. Iins diligently and relentlessly worked with my son, myself and investigators. After weeks of in depth investigation, the truth was revealed. My son was vindicated and the charges against my son were withdrawn by the Crown. Iins expertise in networking with all the related authorities and the court, the outcome would have been quite different. Felicia's unconditional support and he feels he has a future and an opportunity to start fresh. The legal system is complicated enough, go with the pro and call Felicia O'Hara. She is a definite asset to the Upper Canada Law Society.






We are providing this letter to let you know we are very grateful for your hard work in representing J. You are a professional, conscientious person. I know that because you are a parent that you took a perspective which showed compassion for a young man who still has time to change and lead a productive life‎. Every question we threw at you, no matter how often or when, you offered us timely, supportive answers. You took time to stay connected to the other professionals involved with us and keep us informed. Your research on precedent setting cases reduced and changed his charges. Your hours of hard work were a significant influence to the sentence. J comments about that hard work and you clearing your day for appointments with him to allow for the extra time when necessary. We wish you every success with your professional work.




Felicia was invaluable in helping me through an extremely difficult time. She answered my questions, no matter how trivial. If she was not available when I called with questions, she was always very prompt in returning my calls and/or emails, even if it was not during business hours. Felicia kept me informed about the case throughout and provided me with worst case scenarios and best case scenarios. Court proceedings are very uncomfortable and stressful but Felicia made them as easy as possible for me. She always showed great dedication, concern and interest in me and in my case and I am extremely grateful to her.




Anyone needing a lawyer I HIGHLY recommend Felicia O'Hara; she is the BEST lawyer around! The only choice if you ask me.




I chose Felicia randomly for a lawyer and I can honestly say that I don't regret it.

She's helped me out many times and truly cares for her clients.

She's very compassionate and caring.

She is the best lawyer in town!

You'll miss her when your court date is over!

You won't regret her if you choose her. :)






I was introduced to the Police Department as a result of the actions from an angry ex-wife. I quickly found the legal system does have prejudices set against you, I also quickly found out you’re not always innocent until proven guilty and sometimes, depending on the nature of your charge, the legal system sensibility is thrown out the window. Unfortunately I also found out the system is set so the Crown cannot lose when certain charges are placed against you, well that’s until I met Felicia. I was facing some serious charges which would have affected my professional career, not to mention my reputation with my peers and co-workers. Felicia kept me grounded through a very long process lasting over 15 months and in the end the Crown did finally back down, not because it wanted to, but only because of a lawyer that was true to me, dedicated to providing me an opportunity of getting the facts and truth out and because of Felicia’s graceful tenacity I walked away clean with my dignity and respect intact. My situation was horrible, costing me much more than the money I spent on defence, it cost me my family as a result of the legal system and how it works. If you find yourself in a situation and you need help, call this lady! A Class Act is only beginning of what you’ll quickly find you have in your corner ...





Thank you for all your help! I am very proud, happy and satisfied with all the work that Felicia did for us. Felicia is a masterful litigator and achieved magnificent results for us. Her courtroom savvy and knowledge of all relevant and applicable laws is exceptional!  



Felicia O'Hara came into my life at a time when my world came crashing down! Right from our first meeting, she treated me with dignity and respect. I was a first time offender and was looking at some serious jail time for the crime I had committed. I am a single Mom and going to jail would have been devastating for my family. Felicia assured me that she would do her absolute best to keep me out of jail. Although it was a long year, she did what she had promised. In the end, I received a community sentence and did not have to go to jail. This was the ultimate best outcome! Felicia is a very kind, caring and compassionate woman. Her professional reputation speaks for itself. I would highly recommend her if you ever need a lawyer. Thanks for everything Felicia!!  




Felicia O'Hara is...Honest, caring, genuine, empathetic. The list goes on. If you need help with your case she will give you 100 % of her expertise. Wendy is the best as well. They are all ways available to commicate and answer all your questions. I highly recommend Felicia. She is the best bar none. Thank You for your dedication and for being there. K.A.


In December of 2021 I was called by a Detective with the BPS, regarding an investigation stemming from 5 years prior. A total shock to me, something I had thought was over and done with years before. While this information rocked me, I made the decision to reach out to Felicia for guidance on the matter. Immediately, I felt relieved and confident that the matter would be handled in the best possible way. Felicia’s empathy, knowledge, and outstanding ability to go above and beyond, are just some of the qualities that make her such a great criminal lawyer. I certainly felt like a friend and not just a client. Her ability to set my mind at ease and remind me that she would not settle for anything less then what was deserved was amazing.


 I am so thankful that I made the decision to contact Felicia for representation. I am certain that the outcome would have been less then desirable had I opted for someone else. Without Felicia’s determination and skill my career would be over; the life I have worked so hard to build would have crumbled and I would have been left with far too many pieces to but back together. Instead, Felicia took the time to get to know me, who I am as a parent and a person, took into consideration the future I was building as a lone parent, for my daughter and myself and used this to build our defense- a defense that painted the true picture of the events that were in question.


 In the end we went from possible incarceration, large fines, probation, essentially my biggest fears….to a small, affordable fine, and a few community service hours. This was something I had never dreamed of… I had fears of the absolute worst, but as promised, the absolute best was what I got. I can never thank Felicia enough for the time and effort she spent on my case. I should also add the numerous times I reached out to check in, - which was simply my anxiety kicking into overdrive and over thinking about the worst case scenario, only to be met with a positive attitude and a friendly reminder that it was all going to be okay!


 I hope to never require her services again, but if something were to happen, Felicia would be my go to! 


I am very thankful for Felicia O'hara. She represented me a few yesrs ago and because of her I am able move on from the mistakes I made and persue the career plans I have been working hard for.
She is an amazing lawyer and I am thankful I had her on my side. She is very caring , and listens to you without any judgment. She gives amazing advice and will fight hard for you ! I have personally never dealt with a lawyer who has so much compassion for their job or clients. She is 10/10 and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for legal help! 




I supported a family member through a major criminal case. From the night of the incident, fielding my emotional and panicked questions about what to do and what was going to happen, all the way through a year of strict conditions to the sentencing date, Felicia guided us with compassion, down to earth practicality, and an intricate knowledge of the law. She laid out options in an easy to understand manner and took a great deal of time to patiently explain what the outcomes might be. A criminal case is a confusing, stressful, and emotional experience. When choosing a lawyer, don’t just choose someone who will file paperwork and show up to court. You need representation that will help you through the difficult process every step of the way. It’s obvious from the way Felicia conducts herself that she cares deeply about helping the people that, often, society has turned away from. Regardless of criminal records, mistakes, socioeconomic status, appearance or age, Felicia treats everyone as an equal who deserves another chance. Aside from being extremely educated, hardworking, and great at her job, she is a good person. She is definitely the one you want in your corner during difficult times.


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